I have been wanting to start a blog for a while, but I have been hesitant as I did not want to encourage the blog culture... but then again, what's so bad about it? If it's not been used for harm or outwardly criticizing someone's lifestyle in a negative context, why not? So, this is why I'm going to share this delightful blog post with the public.
A native Manhattanite decided that the act of dining on train cars, whether they be subway, Amtrak, trolley, or mine-cart, is so utterly vile, that he cannot tell them to their face, but needs to create a website dedicated to taking stealth photos of these poor people and ripping them apart. Funny enough, but there is a fairly serious following to this degrading act. Now, now...I can understand if someone is throwing their chicken bones onto you and your fellow passenger or flinging feces at you, but some people just need to fucking eat on the train. The internet has created many monsters... So, I have concluded that these folks should just mind their own damn business:
A native Manhattanite decided that the act of dining on train cars, whether they be subway, Amtrak, trolley, or mine-cart, is so utterly vile, that he cannot tell them to their face, but needs to create a website dedicated to taking stealth photos of these poor people and ripping them apart. Funny enough, but there is a fairly serious following to this degrading act. Now, now...I can understand if someone is throwing their chicken bones onto you and your fellow passenger or flinging feces at you, but some people just need to fucking eat on the train. The internet has created many monsters... So, I have concluded that these folks should just mind their own damn business:
bon appetite my friends.
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