I'm watching Saturday Night Live's Special: The Best of Dana Carvey and we came across a character he played called "Church Lady." He's most well known, of course, as Garth in Wayne's World with Mike Meyers. Born in 1955, he's able to do over 64 impersonations, including: Bob Dylan, George W. Bush, Paul McCartney, but the characters he creates are a wonder of their own...
I highly recommend that you watch The Best of Dana Carvey because it's fucking hilarious.
Now, the video's a bit shotty, but this "Church Lady," performs with Willie Nelson and Danny DeVito, and busts out a badass drum solo. This is who will be wailing:
I highly recommend that you watch The Best of Dana Carvey because it's fucking hilarious.
Now, the video's a bit shotty, but this "Church Lady," performs with Willie Nelson and Danny DeVito, and busts out a badass drum solo. This is who will be wailing:
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